Natural Home Remedies to Combat the Flu While Trying to Conceive

When you’re on the path to conception, every effort counts. The last thing you want is to fall ill during the cold and flu season, which can not only compromise your health but also hinder your fertility journey. At EGGSPERIA, we understand the importance of safe treatments that won’t undermine your efforts to boost fertility. That’s why we’re sharing a comprehensive guide to natural remedies that will help you stay healthy or recover faster if you do get sick. By strengthening your immune system and taking these precautions, you can confidently put your best foot forward in every cycle, especially if you’re undergoing IVF or insemination. We want you to be your best self in every cycle and, if needed, bounce back from illness quickly.

The Importance of Immune Health in Fertility:

Before we delve into these remedies, it’s essential to recognize the vital role your immune system plays in fertility. When you’re striving to conceive, a strong immune system ensures that your body is at its healthiest, making you more responsive to medications, treatments, and overall increasing your chances of success.

What to Avoid:

While seeking remedies for cold and flu symptoms, it’s crucial to avoid certain over-the-counter and prescription medications that might unknowingly impact your fertility. Now, let’s explore natural ways to fortify your immune system.

  1. Snooze Like a Pro:

Sleep is often underestimated but is crucial for your immune system to function optimally. Aim for eight to nine hours of sleep every night. A well-rested body can heal more effectively and support your overall well-being. You’ll know you’ve hit the sweet spot when you wake up feeling refreshed.

  1. Hydration is Key:

Keep that water bottle handy! Drinking half your weight in ounces of water daily helps your immune cells do their job effectively. Your body loves staying hydrated, especially during flu season.

  1. Vitamin D for Defense:

Vitamin D is a real superstar. It strengthens your immune system and protects those precious embryos from any unwanted attacks. Plus, it can be a game-changer for women with low AMH and men with sperm issues. Get your vitamin D levels checked, and if they’re not up to par, consider supplementing.

Extra Natural Remedies: If you still find yourself under the weather, don’t fret! Here are some friendly remedies to help you get back on your feet:

  • Raw Garlic: It’s not the best for kisses, but it’s a potent anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

  • Eucalyptus Oil: To battle a stuffy nose, eucalyptus oil in a diffuser, hot bath, or rubbed under your nose can be a lifesaver.

  • Peppermint Tea: A strong cup of peppermint tea can work wonders for headaches.

  • Epsom Salt Bath: Soak in an Epsom salt bath to ease muscle aches.

  • Chamomile Tea and Magnesium: Trouble sleeping? Try chamomile tea or a magnesium supplement.

  • Raw Honey: Soothe your throat with raw honey if you have a cough.

  • Salt Water Nasal Rinse: For sinus trouble, a saltwater nasal rinse can be a game-changer.

  • Hydrogen Peroxide: If you’re dealing with an ear infection, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide can help.

Ginger, Ginger, Ginger!

Ginger, oh ginger! In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), ginger is like a warm and comforting hug for your immune system. It’s known to cozy up to your meals and teas, giving you that extra boost to feel better in no time!

Ginger and Pears

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), ginger and pears are hailed for their immune-boosting and lung-healing properties.

A warm ginger pear concoction is just what you need:

Sleep Preparation According to TCM

TCM emphasizes sleep preparation two hours before bedtime. Avoid alcohol and large meals, dim the lights, stow away electronics, and unwind with a warm shower.


Ginger Pear Tea Recipe:

  • 2 pears
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 thin slices of fresh ginger
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • Raw local honey
  • A squeeze of fresh lemon

To make a delightful steamed pear with ginger remedy, follow these simple steps:

  • Begin by peeling a ripe pear and slicing it into quarters or eighths. Be sure to remove the core and seeds.
  • Take a thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger root and either thinly slice it or grate it for a more robust flavor.
  • Place both the pear and ginger into a steamer basket or a heatproof dish.
  • Steam the pear and ginger for approximately 10-15 minutes, or until the pear becomes soft and thoroughly cooked.
  • Allow it to cool slightly before savoring this delicious steamed pear with ginger.
  • Enjoy the warmth and goodness while it’s still nice and cozy!

When you’re trying to conceive, your health is of utmost importance. These natural remedies not only provide relief during the cold and flu season but also support your fertility journey. By taking care of your immune system and practicing self-care, you can stay healthy and resilient throughout your quest for conception. Remember, if you do get sick during a critical fertility period, don’t blame yourself; instead, use it as an opportunity to learn and be better prepared. Stay healthy, stay hopeful, and may your journey be filled with success and well-being!